
美国The Incandescent Lamp Patent案


导语:本案为美国最高法院就Edison电灯专利是否侵犯Sawyer和Man在先权利的判决,本案争议焦点在于能否从碳化纸(carbonized paper)在白炽导体的应用就整个碳化纤维或纺织材料(carbonized fibrous or textile material)在白炽导体的应用提出专利权,法院以公开不充分为裁判理由,认为该种上位权利要求是不被允许的。最后,法院以Sawyer和Man仅对碳化纸的选用保有专利权,Edison使用其特定材料的专利的不侵权为终局结果。

本案为The Incandescent Lamp Patent, 159 U.S. 465 (1895),本案在于充分公开的问题。

该案例为美国Edison与Sawyer和Man的电灯案,此案技术核心在于电灯的白炽导体,即Sawyer和Man认为Edison的专利中关于白炽导体,使用了竹子根部硅质角质层(silicious cuticle)下特定的部分的设计。


一种用于电灯的发热导体,由碳化纤维或纺织材料(carbonized fibrous or textile material)制成,呈拱形或马蹄形。

1. An incandescing conductor for an electric lamp, of carbonized fibrous or textile material and of an arch or horseshoe shape, substantially as hereinbefore set forth.








The claims were as follows:
"1. An incandescing conductor for an electric lamp, of carbonized fibrous or textile material and of an arch or horseshoe shape, substantially as hereinbefore set forth."
"2. The combination, substantially as hereinbefore set forth, of an electric circuit and an incandescing conductor of carbonized fibrous material, included in and forming part of said
circuit, and a transparent hermetically sealed chamber in which the conductor is enclosed."
"3. The incandescing conductor for an electric lamp, formed of carbonized paper, substantially as described."

这里需要额外介绍的背景是, 1802年,英国科学家Humphrey Davy发现碳通电后会发出亮光,并制造出了原始的弧光灯,但是存在无法使用的缺陷。

1840年,英国科学家 Warren de la Rue用金属铂作灯丝,放在真空管中,制作了长时间发光的电灯,但是由于灯丝材料原因,不具备实用性。

1860年,英国科学家Joseph Swan用碳化的棉线替代了碳化纸,电灯的发光时间可以达到几十小时。

1874年,加拿大的工程师William E. Sawyer在灯泡中充入氮气,可以进一步延长电灯的寿命。

Sawyer和Man于1880年申请了本专利,但是该专利被法院认为其不再被使用(no longer in use)以及无法在商业上取得成功(commercial success)。

It is admitted that the lamp described in the Sawyer and Man patent is no longer in use, and was never a commercial success;





法院从电灯的技术层面,历史层面、以及法律层面对最为重点的所谓主张碳化纤维与纺织材料(carbonized fibrous or textile material)是否可以包括Edison的专利中所使用的竹子根部硅质角质层(silicious cuticle)下特定的部分 (a particular part of the stem. of the bamboo lying directly beneath the silicious cuticle, the peculiar fitness for which purpose was undoubtedly discovered by him,) ,进行意见陈述。


首先对被诉侵权专利进行分析,关于权利要求1,一种用于电灯的发热导体,由碳化纤维或纺织材料(carbonized fibrous or textile material)制成,呈拱形或马蹄形。

1. An incandescing conductor for an electric lamp, of carbonized fibrous or textile material and of an arch or horseshoe shape, substantially as hereinbefore set forth.

而Edison的专利使用了竹子根部硅质角质层下特定的部分,毫无疑问地,这应当是属于碳化纤维与纺织材料的下位概念,这在法院的意见中,也是认可了这一点。(covered by the patent to Sawyer and Man, and is, therefore, an infringer.)。


虽然可以证明Sawyer和Man在权利要求3上做出了具体地主张,即将白炽导体严格限制在碳化纸上。权利要求3,,一种如前述的用于电灯的白炽导体,由碳化纸制成。(3. The incandescing conductor for an electric lamp, formed of carbonized paper, substantially as described.)并未受到侵害。

但是此处提出的问题在于,为何不将权利要求3中的碳化纸的使用在权利要求1中进行限定,而扩展到了整个纤维王国(fibrous kingdom),该种扩展是否存在一定的合理性。






以下为法院意见(部分)Sawyer and Man supposed they had discovered in carbonized paper the best material for an incandescent conductor. Instead of confining themselves to carbonized paper, as they might properly have done, and in fact did in their third claim, they made a broad claim for every fibrous or textile material, when in fact an examination of over six thousand vegetable growths showed that none of them possessed the peculiar qualities that fitted them for that purpose.Was everybody then precluded by this broad claim from making further investigation? We think not.

回到Edison的专利上而言, Edison对不同类型的竹子进行了实验,甚至派人去了中国和日本进行材料的收集,而在试验不同的材料中,可以明显地看到纤维和织物在作为白炽导体的应用上并不具有共同的特性,不能简单的因为其属于纤维王国,而否认其独特之处。其通过大量的数据和对比例进行了阐述,说明了在纤维王国中,不同的材料在白炽导体上的应用存在巨大的差异,最后得到了最佳的材料,这也就可以说从另一个角度对Sawyer和Man的专利进行无效。 

From this it appears very clearly that there is no such quality common to fibrous and textile substances generally as makes them suitable for an incandescent conductor, and that the bamboo which Was finally pitched upon, and is now generally used, was not selected because it was of vegetable growth, but because it contained certain peculiarities in its fibrous structure which distinguished it from every other fibrous substance.

最后法院引用了Rev. Stat. § 4888,阐述了应当以完整、清楚、简洁的方式告诉公众其制造,修建,合成和使用的方法,使得本领域技术人员能够制造,修建,合成或使用该相同的发明。这样可以使本领域技术人员能够从有限的实验中得到结果,告诉公众和政府相应的权利要求范围,以及告知相关竞争厂商或交易方应当避免的范围。

It is required by Rev. Stat. § 4888 that the application shall contain a written description of the device "and of the manner and process of making, constructing, compounding, and using it in such full, clear, concise, and exact terms as to enable any person, skilled in the art or science to which it appertains or with which it is most nearly connected, to make, construct, compound, and use the same."  The object of this is to apprise the public of what the patentee claims as his own, the courts of what they are called upon to construe, and competing manufacturers and dealers of exactly what they are bound to avoid.  


公开不充分条款:Grant v. Raymond, 6 Pet. 218, 247.  If the description be so vague and uncertain that no one can tell, except by independent experiments, how to construct the patented device, the patent is void.




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